
Monday, October 24, 2011

Post #3 The Walking Dead!

Here is blog post #3! Thanks for reading! Please leave me comments if you actually read my post.

I want to start off by saying that I have not yet read the comic series yet. I am looking forward to it! From what I have heard from fans of the comics is that it's different than the television show. Supposedly main characters that have survived on the show have died in the comics. Furthermore, the character of Darryl was apparently never in the comics. So, I guess you can describe it as an alternate universe. I'll read the comics soon and I can compare the two in the future. Also the quick summaries of the episodes are really brief and some parts of the plot have been omitted. I recommend watching the episodes in their entirety.

The Walking Dead on AMC - Sundays at 9 pm EST.

There are SPOILERS coming up for those who haven't seen it. So, stop reading if you haven't watched the episodes yet:

Herds of zombies. That's a lot of zombies!
Episode 1 Quick Summary:
The group has decided to move on after the CDC (from last season's finale) blows up. The RV breaks down while they are travelling on the road. The group decides to make repairs and to scavenge supplies from the cars. We then find out something new about the zombies. Apparently, they travel in 'herds'. The group can be avoided by hiding. However, Sophia is spotted by a couple of zombies and runs away into the woods. She ends up going missing. Rick and the others form a search party to find her. The group eventually finds an old church but no Sophia. Rick, Shane, and Carl decide to hang back to search some more while the rest goes back to the search in the woods. The three stumble upon a deer in the woods. Carl goes in for a closer look. Everything looks fine until a shot is fired killing the deer and wounding Carl.

Episode 1 Thoughts:

  • I really enjoyed the season 2 premiere. It had moments of tension, terror, and of course gory zombie killings.  There were a lot of emotions such as anger from Carol and frustration from Rick. 
  • It looks like Rick is starting to lose faith and his son getting shot and possibly dying is not helping him in any way. 
  • Zombie killing highlights - Andrea stabbing the zombie in the eye with a screwdriver.  
  • When Andrea stabs the zombie blood sprays onto her face. If zombies can infect a person via a bite, a person should also become infected if blood goes into the eyes, ears, or mouth. 
  • Also Carl getting shot surprised me a bit. Most television and movies I have seen never really show any violence happening to children. It is usually implied violence or never to the point that they are shot. 
  • Oddly enough all the cars are tall enough for people to hide under. I'm sure most cars in real life are not that high off the ground. Therefore, during a zombie invasion do not try to hide under your car without checking to see if you can fit. 


Episode 2 Quick Summary:

We see Rick carrying Carl to the home of one Hershel Greene who is a doctor who we find out is actually a veterinarian). Hershel seems to know what he is doing and tries to save Carl's life. Unfortunately, we find out that the bullet has broken up into 6 fragments and one of them has nicked an artery which is causing internal bleeding. Blood transfusions provided by Rick isn't enough to save his son's life. Back at the road, Dale and T-Dog discuss the terrible state of the world. We then find out that T-Dog has suffered a nasty infection when he cut his arm in the last episode. Darryl, however, comes to the rescue once again and reveals his brother's stash of drugs which include antibiotics that can save T-Dog's life. Shane and Otis (aka the hunter who accidentally shot Carl) volunteer to go to the nearby high school, which was turned into a FEMA emergency center, to gather respiratory supplies which is required for the surgery. Unfortunately, the high school is overrun with the walking dead. The two are eventually spotted and chased. Shane and Otis manage to find temporary shelter with only a cheap locked metal gate standing in the way between them and the zombies. 

Zombies to the left of me, zombies to the right...

That gate isn't going to hold those zombies back.

Episode 2 Thoughts:
  • This was a good follow up episode. The emotions were still high as the frustration continued for all the survivors. The character development is great and we start to really care for these survivors..
  • Things slowed down a bit especially in terms of how many zombies were killed - from what I can remember not many. According to another website, apparently only 1 zombie was killed this time around. See Zombie Killing Highlight below.
  • Zombie Killing Highlight - Hershel's daughter riding on a horse and hits the zombie in the face with a baseball bat.
  • Daryl continues to save the day by giving antibiotics to T-Dog. Although we know that in the first season that Daryl comes from a family that hates other races. It's a bit of a surprise that he is not like his older brother and is willing to help the others survive regardless of race. 
  • Shane and Otis did not clearly think out their plan especially in terms of their escape. 
  • I also thought that Otis was going to be killed off when the zombies were chasing them. He's not the slimmest guy around. He looks a little too well fed. 
I'm now looking forward to episode 3 of The Walking Dead!!

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