
Monday, October 24, 2011

Post #4 - Some Designs That I Have Made in the Last Couple of Weeks.

UPDATE: Anything Evil Troy and Evil Abed related stuff has been taken down and removed by me due to copyright infringement. I'll be mindful of this next time and will create original designs in the future.

Post #4 - This is going to be a brief post. Here are a couple of designs that are being sold at my cafepress and zazzle online stores. Check out the links if interested. I have yet to customize the look of my stores since I am still learning how to use the websites. In the future I may compare the different services for those who are interested in marketing their own designs.

Below are the links to my online stores. 

Post #3 The Walking Dead!

Here is blog post #3! Thanks for reading! Please leave me comments if you actually read my post.

I want to start off by saying that I have not yet read the comic series yet. I am looking forward to it! From what I have heard from fans of the comics is that it's different than the television show. Supposedly main characters that have survived on the show have died in the comics. Furthermore, the character of Darryl was apparently never in the comics. So, I guess you can describe it as an alternate universe. I'll read the comics soon and I can compare the two in the future. Also the quick summaries of the episodes are really brief and some parts of the plot have been omitted. I recommend watching the episodes in their entirety.

The Walking Dead on AMC - Sundays at 9 pm EST.

There are SPOILERS coming up for those who haven't seen it. So, stop reading if you haven't watched the episodes yet:

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Second! Blog Post #2 - Gamer No More? What the Heck is an Online Passes?

Well here we are blog post # 2! To be honest, there was a part of me that didn't think I would make it this far but here I am. Okay onto the post:

One of my passions while growing up was playing video games. I don't even want to know how many hours I have spent playing video games over the years. I'm sure the number would be enormous! Anyways, I always thought that I would always be a gamer. I thought I would still be first person shooting, rpging, platforming, racing, and  fighting my whole life. Unfortunately, or fortunately based on your point of view, I had to reduce the amount of gaming.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

First Blog Entry: Allow Me to Re-introduce Myself

First of all welcome! I have no idea how you got here but please stay awhile - you can at least pad my blog stats so I can feel good that someone is actually visiting. Why not make someone (me) else's day by reading their blog.

Okay time for the brief introduction or re-introduction. Male, late 20s, Canadian. I originally used this blog as a placeholder for my other website. I only had one post up since opening this account months or maybe a year ago and did nothing with it. I finally decided a couple of days ago to actually use this blog for something else other than a placeholder. I will now attempt something that may fizzle into nothingness once again and that is to actually update this blog with new insightful (?), innovative(?), and good(?) entries.

What can you, the reader, expect from this blog? Here are some of the things that I will cover:

  • Video games - Console, PC, and casual game previews, reviews, my thoughts about video games
  • Television shows - previews, reviews, recaps, trailers of my favourite shows
  • Movies - I tend to watch a lot of movies so expect some reviews, trailers, spoilers
Yeah I know what you are thinking (well at least I think I know what you are thinking right now). The question will arise -  "What sets me apart from other blogs out there with similar topics that are possibly better written?" Well first of all I would have to say you may have a bad attitude considering this is my first post and you haven't seen any of my posts yet. The stuff that I write may blow your minds! (Or it may just leave a bad taste in your mouth.) Only time will tell.

Oh right I will be posting about other things as well that are of a more personal nature.

  • My struggle to get out of soul crushing debt from student loans, credit card debt
  • Me trying to make designs for T-Shirts and websites
  • Things that inspire or make me laugh with links to other people, websites, blogs, videos, and pictures
  • Local stories about my hometown of Toronto. 
Yes, I realize that there are too many topics to focus on but I don't want to be stuck writing about one thing. I'm sure the focus will change over time. 

If you got this far thank you for reading!